At Inspections of Texas our passion is protecting your clients from a money pit! We love inspecting and educating home buyers about their chosen house. Some inspectors and companies compromise the integrity of the inspection. We respect our clients and ourselves too much to be involved in these questionable practices. We promise these are things we will NEVER do!
Never “Pay To Play”
We have been approached by several realtors asking if we pay referral fees or will pay to place our business card on a wall of “Preferred Vendors”. It illegal to do so, and it is illegal for realtors to accept. It also means the inspection company has to pass the extra cost on to your client, with higher prices or adding unnecessary services.
Our loyalty is 100 percent for the client. We will never pay anyone money for our business. Realtors who use us want truthful and detailed reports. They know we take care of their clients. Our integrity is of the utmost importance.
Never Receive Referral Fees
There are many contractors, security companies, and others who will pay referral fees to inspectors if they are chosen for the job. According to the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC), inspectors can receive fees for referring services with the client’s written consent.
While it may be legal, we are not going to do it. We will not provide your client’s information to any company for sales leads. We are very picky with our referrals. We only refer people we know and are highly rated.
Never do Walk Thru Inspections
During the COVID scare, many inspectors across the country started doing “walk thru” inspections. They met a client at the house and pointed out major issues, but did not inspect the property properly. This saved time at the property, exposure, as well as money. Written inspection reports were already required, so these verbal reports were in violation of TREC rules. TREC standards exist so you can be assured of a quality inspection. The correct report (REI 7-6 currently) must be delivered within 2 days of the inspection or from when payment is made.
We use the best software and spent hundreds of hours making adjustments to create the best reports. Our report contains diagrams, links, and videos to help clients better understand their home. Additionally, we take lots of photos so clients and realtors can see what we are talking about. Realtors can even save time using the “Repair Request” feature of our interactive report. We publish your report within 10 minutes of the physical inspection so you can have access to our report right away. With us, there is no need to sacrifice quality for time!
Never do Random Samples
We never do “random samples” of items that are required. For example, all switches and receptacles must be inspected if the inspector has access to them. Furniture and appliances make some switches or receptacles not accessible. Many inspectors, particularly those working for large companies, are expected to inspect 8,000 square feet a day by themselves. So they sample 1 “random” receptacle per room to save time. Sometimes they even skip rooms.
We inspect every item readily available. For example, we sometimes find one side of a room doesn’t have electricity or one ungrounded outlet that can damage electronics. We don’t sacrifice quality to save time. We are more thorough because there are 3 inspectors on every job and three sets of eyes see more!
At Inspections of Texas, we care about people and want our clients to know as much as possible about their prospective home. We don’t participate in shady practices. Because we have 3 inspectors on every job, we don’t sacrifice quality to save time. We never compromise our integrity!
Learn more at:$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tloc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&p_tac=&ti=22&pt=23&ch=535&rl=22 22 Tex. Admin. Code § 535.220